We are committed to prioritising the health and safety of all our employees and subcontractors without compromise. Fundamental to our business, health and safety runs through every project plan and our associated systems and processes ensure every individual working for and with Applebridge understands this core priority.
Our Health and Safety
Every member of the Applebridge team, from directors to operational and commercial staff understands their expected contribution to the effective implementation of our health and safety management systems.
Our culture is very much one of inclusivity and our senior leadership team ensures that the company’s health and safety management system is owned by everyone in the business.
Committed to continuous improvement
We revisit and evaluate working procedures constantly and regularly invest in training to ensure all staff are protected and are familiar with current legislation, industry standards and best practice.
Communication is encouraged at all levels ensuring every member of the team feels empowered to drive positive change, particularly regarding any issues regarding the health, safety and welfare of our people, both on and off site.
Our systems and operations are assessed continuously for their effectiveness by accrediting bodies such as our OHSAS 45001 auditors, clients and other third parties.

Investing in a safe working environment
We invest heavily in training and development to ensure that all employees have the required skills, knowledge and experience to undertake operations safely and in line with the latest industry needs and expectations. Senior managers across the business hold health and safety qualifications, such as NEBOSH, IOSH and from an operational perspective, qualifications in areas such as temporary works coordination.
Further augmenting our position as a trusted, capable partner, we have achieved numerous accreditations, such as CHAS Premium and Constructionline credentials that not only illustrate our own high expectations, but set us apart as a company from competitors across the UK. Our WRAS accreditation and the associated WIAPS qualifications make us very rare, if not unique, amongst the region’s groundworks contractors.

As a groundworks contractor, we are acutely aware of the dangers hidden below ground. Buried services are a threat to the workforce and the consequences of accidental contact with them can be huge. This has prompted further investment by the company’s directors to significantly reduce the risk. Applebridge has added a £80k vacuum excavator (affectionately known as “Sally”) to its fleet of mobile plant. Applebridge teams are trained in its use and the positive impact of its implementation was immediate with service strike rates substantially reduced and the risk to the workforce all but eliminated. Sally is now the busiest item of large plant in our fleet.